Central Library Vision and Mission
Teerthanker Mahaveer University Logo

Central Library and Knowledge Resource Centre

Vision and Mission


The Central Library and Knowledge Resource Centre at Teerthanker Mahaveer University aspires to be a dynamic hub of information and learning, committed to fostering a culture of academic excellence and intellectual curiosity. Our vision is to be a premier resource center that empowers students, faculty, and researchers with access to a diverse array of knowledge, cutting-edge technology, and innovative learning resources.


  1. Facilitate Learning and Research: To provide a conducive environment that encourages and supports learning, research, and scholarly activities across diverse disciplines.

  2. Access to Comprehensive Resources: To acquire, organize, and make available a comprehensive collection of print and digital resources, including books, journals, databases, and multimedia materials, catering to the academic needs of the university community.

  3. Technology Integration: To embrace and integrate emerging technologies, ensuring that the library remains at the forefront of information management and delivery, thereby enhancing the learning experience.

  4. Collaboration and Outreach: To actively engage with faculty, students, and researchers, promoting collaborative initiatives, workshops, and outreach programs that contribute to the academic and intellectual growth of the university.

  5. User-Centric Services: To provide user-centric services, including efficient circulation systems, information literacy programs, and personalized assistance, ensuring that users can maximize the benefits of library resources.

  6. Cultural and Academic Preservation: To preserve and promote the cultural and academic heritage of the institution by maintaining archives, special collections, and other valuable resources that reflect the university's rich history and contributions.

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(University Librarian)

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Library Hours
Reading Hours
Days Timing
Mon-Sat 08:30AM - 12:00AM
Sunday 10:00AM - 08:00PM
Days Timing
Mon-Sat 08:30AM - 08:30PM
Sunday Closed
Days Timing
Mon-Sat 08:45AM - 05:00PM
Sunday Closed

Circulation & Services
Days Timing
Mon-Sat 08:45AM - 05:30PM
Sunday Closed
Days Timing
Mon-Sat 08:45AM - 05:00PM
Sunday Closed
